Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Our Weekly Diary

Week 1

Day 1 with our new family groups

Getting to know each others name with the animal name game

Gathering ideas for how the shed can be converted

Tom does a tour of the allotment


Week 2



Week 3 

This week we worked with the Williams family and set in motion some of our ideas. Sam has been set the artistic brief to illustrate some kindness stories in lego and photograph. Sophia and Rachel are "Goodness Spies" for the week.Tom hs given them pads to note their findings and remind them that they are spies. The Cusioned idea is left in the shed for others to pick up and an art first aid box is there for art emergencies. the family re-potted some plants and learnt why this is necessary. We mused on  what works best all being together or working with a few famalies at a time. The group enjoy all being together but its a bit hectic. Put in place to rectify this: each peson will be put in a team and given a volunteer and set tasks. They need to stay with this volunteer  when on the allotment. This will give us a bit of structure and allow us to have everyone on together and keep us all safe. 

Week 4

I was on my holidays but work carried on. People updating the sketch book with ideas, two types of sewing sewing and sowing. 
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Week 5 

Returned from holidays to find lots more ideas in the groups sketch books and spent a while collecting my thoughts. A walk around the wider allotment with Tom and Tommy B gave birth to the project "Rhubarb, Rhubarb Rhubarb". Full blog on the idea to follow but for now a few pics.

   Find more photos like this on Knit a Year


Week 6


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