Friday, 4 September 2015

Innovative Ideas

At the start of Project Shed the group of 10 Salford parents and their children sat down with myself (Artist Beth Barlow) and developed a series of ideas which they thought they might like to explore. Some were directly related to the idea of giving and others were related to growing and work on the allotment. So that we could see them more clearly these ideas were put into two spider diagrams.We have been meeting twice a week to practically work through the ideas. For me these have been like sketches, allowing us to test ideas ans see which resonate most strongly. Which provide the opportunity for transformation of us as individuals or the socirty we live in. This led to the usual mess one gets when one sets off on an artistic exploration. Periods of uncertainty when we were unsure which way things were going. But we pushed on and on reflection several of the ideas seem strong to me. To give us all the opportunity to reflect I developed blank template review sheets. Given to individuals to take away they seem to have fell on arid ground. Sat and completed in tandom with myself they bare more fruit. Reflection is a tedious and ugly, uneccessary thing to do sometimes but its almost always useful. If we don't understand where we have been how can we ascertain where to go next. The review sheets we have created so far are below. They give you an idea of the things we have tried and perhaps where we are going next. Click on each image to see it bigger.

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